The deadline for submitting abstract proposals:
4th Oct 2020
Submission of abstracts instructions
- The deadline for submitting abstract proposals is 25th Sep 2020. Send the abstract by email to , in PDF format.
- The one who submits the abstract will be considered the principal author. There is no limit to the number of abstracts per author; however, submission of several abstracts from the same work, with little difference between them, is strongly discouraged
- Accepted abstracts will be displayed as posters in the “Poster Hall”, located in the virtual centre of the meeting, accessible at any time during the conference, and will be published in the program PDF. The author’s name and e-mail will be displayed along with the poster to enable possible questions and interactions between the participants. All posters will be archived on the FFN Brazil website and may be cited as an internet publication
- Instructions for abstract submission (model attached 1):
- The abstract should be written in English
- Maximum length of one A4 page
- Include introduction, objectives, methods, results, discussion and conclusion
- Calibri font, size 11, with 1.5 spacing between lines
- Margins: 2.5 cm at the bottom and top, and 2.0 cm at the right and left
- Title in bold, with initial capital letters only, use capital letter only when appropriate, as in abbreviations
- Below the title, insert authors’ names, starting with surname, followed by the first name
- Insert superscript number at the end of each name so that they contain relevant information about each author, such as affiliations and e-mail. Such information must appear below the summary, in italics
- Justified text, without indenting paragraph
- For the accepted abstracts, the Congress Program Committee will send the acceptance via e-mail of the participant, to which the participant must respond with his poster in a single page, in PDF, or in up to five slides, also in PDF. The file must be saved with the following title: surname of the first author -name-LAMeeting.pdf
Summary Template
Test Title
Surname, Name¹
Abstract: Body of the text in which the history, objectives, methods, results, discussion and conclusion must be presented.
¹ University X, e-mail Y.
The abstracts will be assessed by the Programme Committee:
Adriana Machado
President, FFN-Brasil
Bruno Boietti
Carlos Sancineto
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Christiano Saliba
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Clemente Zuniga
David Marsh (chair)
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Regionalisation chair, global FFN
Diego Chavarro
José Luis Dinamarca
Juan Carlos Viveros
Monica Perracini
Scientific Director, FFN-Brasil
Roberto López
Orthopaedic Surgeon